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Gabriele Riva

Chef Owner Gabriele Riva is a second generation pastry chef from Milan, Italy. He started working in his father’s pastry shop during his adolescence and continued his training at CAST Alimenti ( Center of Art Science and Technology of food) one of the very best pastry school in Italy. 

He apprenticed at various established pastry shops in Milan and Italy prior to working and consulting in major international cities in Europe and the United States.

He has decidedly settled in Japan. A Cacao Barry Ambassador for the past seven years, he is specialized in innovative pastry that blends both traditional, modernist techniques and flavors. He is also a chocolatier, and has extensive experience and insight with mochi and many Japanese ingredients

オーナーシェフ ガブリエレ・リヴァ

イタリアミラノ出身 ペストリーシェフ2代目

家族経営のペストリーショップにて見習いとして青年期を過ごしながらイタリア国内トップのCAST Alimenti(国立調理科学技術センター)にて製菓トレーニングを続ける。イタリア・ミラノの様々なペストリーショップで経験を積み、ヨーロッパ・アメリカ等の世界の大都市でコンサルティング、現在日本に居を構える。7年に渡りUSAカカオバリーアンバサダーを務めた経歴を持ち、日本とイタリア食材を用いて新たな技術と製法での菓子作り、チョコレート・餅、革新的な菓子作りを得意とする。


Kanako Sakakura

Chef Owner Kanako Sakaura was born in Mie prefecture, Japan. An accomplished pastry chef, Kanako trained at Tsuji Pastry School In Abeno, Osaka. She gained a deep understanding of French pastry vernacular and techniques from working in France. Her time in Scandinavia allowed her to further develop production and management skills in various projects and at different scales. After working many years in fine dining and entering pastry competitions, it is her dream to open a pastry shop in Tokyo.

LESS interconnects her deep appreciation for local and sustainable Japanese ingredients produced seasonally and collaborating with fellow artisans.

オーナーシェフ 坂倉加奈子




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